Friday, December 22, 2006
Conversion macros\inline functions
for example, consider this:
you have a dialog window procedure and you want to handle WM_CTLCOLOREDIT message to change the background color of the edit control.
HWND hwndDlg,
UINT uMsg,
WPARAM wParam,
return (BOOL)(GetStockObject(DKGRAY_BRUSH));
I followed the instructions from MSDN for WM_CTLCOLOREDIT:
"If a dialog box procedure handles this message, it should cast the desired return value to a BOOL and return the value directly."
the problem is it works but it gives a warning: Compiler Warning (level 1) C4311.
"This warning detects 64-bit portability issues. For example, if code is compiled on a 64-bit platform, the value of a pointer (64 bits) will be truncated if it is assigned to an int (32 bits). This warning is only issued when /Wp64 is used. "
I am using VisualC++ 2003 compiler so it seems /wp64 is put by default.
Now, MS made some inline conversion functions which must be used when converting data types.
this if found in intsafe.h header.
additional information can be found in a blog of a MS security guy:
additionally, look at this info:
"Rules for Using Pointers" in MSDN
There are also some other conversion macros in Basetsd.h header made for win64 programming too:
void * Handle64ToHandle( const void * POINTER_64 h )
void * POINTER_64 HandleToHandle64( const void *h )
long HandleToLong( const void *h )
unsigned long HandleToUlong( const void *h )
void * IntToPtr( const int i )
void * LongToHandle( const long h )
void * LongToPtr( const long l )
void * Ptr64ToPtr( const void * POINTER_64 p )
int PtrToInt( const void *p )
long PtrToLong( const void *p )
void * POINTER_64 PtrToPtr64( const void *p )
short PtrToShort( const void *p )
unsigned int PtrToUint( const void *p )
unsigned long PtrToUlong( const void *p )
unsigned short PtrToUshort( const void *p )
void * UIntToPtr( const unsigned int ui )
void * ULongToPtr( const unsigned long ul )
look in MSDN here for more info.
For the above code, the inline conversion function to use is:
return HandleToLong(GetStockObject(DKGRAY_BRUSH));
return (BOOL)(INT_PTR)(GetStockObject(DKGRAY_BRUSH));
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Using photoshop to create & edit ICO files
After installing the plugin file in the Photoshop directory (installing means just copy the ICOFormat.8bi file into the Photoshop plugin directory so it can load it at startup; mine is: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS\Plug-Ins\File Formats\ICOFormat.8bi)
to create an icon in Photoshop:
1. select your object which you want to appear in your icon with the Magic Wand tool (selection).
you might want to adjust the Tolerance factor.
2. go to Selection menu and choose save selection and name the layer Alpha (it can have any name).
3. go to Save menu and now you should have in the list the ICO format available.
Remeber 2 things:
The alpha channel you created must look like this: you should see the object silhouette in black and the background in white.
The icon cannot have in size more than 255x255 pixels (Windows file format limitation).
At the same location ( there is a tool which can take different icons files and concatenates them into one ico file but i havent tried it.
Sunday, December 17, 2006
guest book
If you have any general feedback regading this blog, you are encouraged to reply it here.
what's this blog for
I wanted a place where I can place programming things I encounter along my humble programming job I have.
It is meant for helping me to save different ideas I should remember but memory is not my strongest point.
In fact I dont like to remember things just beacause it is needed so. I prefer to write them down. Physical memory is valuable.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
CAtlRegExp Match access violation
unsigned char* usz = (unsigned char *) sz;
size_t u = (size_t) *usz;
instead of Old code:
size_t u = (size_t) *sz; and Line 1181 New code:
unsigned char uchStart = chStart;
unsigned char uchEnd = chEnd;
for (int i=uchStart; i<=uchEnd; i++)
instead of Old code:
for (int i=chStart; i<=chEnd; i++) With these changes everthing should work fine. Good luck! Michael
Monday, June 12, 2006
small C++ things to remember
since i dont have a good memory, i will keep here short C++ things to remember
Friday, May 19, 2006
registry tweaks
i''ll put here all the things i need.
here's the first ones:
make OutlookExpress independent from Messenger (restart: no)
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Outlook Express]
"Hide Messenger"=dword:00000002
Add 'Explore from here' to Windows folders(restart: no)
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
@="cmd.exe /k cd \"%1\""
matching file names each time you press TAB in cmd. works in XP but doesnt by default on Win2000
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command processor]
Monday, May 15, 2006
windows install date
useful when u need something unique from the PC and easy to get
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion
installdate value
Time (in seconds) since 12:00 A.M, January 1, 1970
here's a VBS script which displays the info:
Dim WshShell, TimeStampSet WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")TimeStamp = WshShell.RegRead(_"HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\installdate")WScript.Echo "Install date :" & _DateAdd("s", TimeStamp, DateSerial(1970, 1, 1))
Friday, May 05, 2006
before debugging ...
on microsoft website there is a debugging package(holding WinDbg and other debugging tools) which has a tool called SymChk which can be used to bring the right pdb files from microsoft website.
the tool reads the version of your dll and exe files and tries to find the corresponding pdb for that version.
C:\Program Files\Debugging Tools for Windows>symchk /r c:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322 /S srv*c:\dbg\symbols\*
/r tells symchk to look in the 'c:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322' path and in all subdirectories in it
/s Specifies the directories containing symbols
c:\dbg\symbols\ is the location where the symbols are downloaded
if you need a specific DLL file to get symbol for, you can use this (for ole32.dll for example)
symchk c:\WINDOWS\system32\ole32.dll /S srv*c:\dbg\symbols\*
Now, in WinDbg you can set in File menu the location of the symbols.
also, if you want to start using adplus tool (info:;en-us;286350) you must set the debugging symbols path in the environment variable
in the value put the path of the symbols(c:\dbg\symbols\)
usually adplus is used in 2 modes:
unexpected haning(used with -hang)
unexpected crushing (used with -crash)
see the msdn link above
i am using it for crashing:
"C:\Program Files\Debugging Tools for Windows\ADPlus" -crash -pn MyApp.exe -o c:\dumps
MyApp.exe must not include a path just filename.
another tool useful is this one: gflags (;en-us;286470)
usually pageheap is used like this:
"C:\Program Files\Debugging Tools for Windows\gflags.exe" /p enable MyApp.exe /full
again, MyApp.exe must not include a path just filename.
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
process termination
It seem that there is a subtle difference between how a console application (the main() CRT function) and a Win32 application (WinMain) is handling the process termination.
if you have this:
while(true) { }
return 0;
#pragma comment(linker, "/entry:myMain")
int WINAPI myMain()
DWORD dwThreadId;
CloseHandle(CreateThread(NULL, 0, MyThread2, NULL, 0, &dwThreadId));
return 0;
the application is a windows application (using myMain entrypoint) and it run infinitely.
but a similar console application:
int t_main()
DWORD dwThreadId;
CloseHandle(CreateThread(NULL, 0, MyThread2, NULL, 0, &dwThreadId));
return 0;
will return immediately after the 'return 0;'
the difference is this one:
the console application uses CRT which, after the user code return from main, it calls ExitProcess which terminates the application.
it seems that when a thread terminates, Win OS internally calls EndThread. The EndThread internally looks if there is any other thread running in the process and calls TerminateThread(if there are any) or ExitProcess (if there isnt any).
hence, in a Win32 application, if any thread returns, internally EndThread is called and this in turn, if no other threads are still running, will call ExitProcess.
in a CRT app, when the main thread returns, ExitProcess is called directly.
Thursday, February 16, 2006
testing memory failure allocation
int *pa = new int[10000];
in the article "The new and delete Operators" the MSDN says:
"Beginning in Visual C++ .NET 2002, the CRT's new function (in libc.lib, libcd.lib, libcmt.lib, libcmtd.lib, msvcrt.lib, and msvcrtd.lib) will continue to return NULL if memory allocation fails. However, the new function in the Standard C++ Library (in libcp.lib, libcpd.lib, libcpmt.lib, libcpmtd.lib, msvcprt.lib, and msvcprtd.lib) will support the behavior specified in the C++ standard, which is to throw a std::bad_alloc exception if the memory allocation fails."
hence is vital to know which one you are using.
"Normally, if you #include one of the C++ standard headers, like
hence if you have the following code:
int *pn = new int[1000];
// ok, pn is valid
the testing is valid only if you use the CRT new and not when you use the std::new. with the std::new this is not valid, it will throw an exception (i am not sure what will pn point to).
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
remember the rule
but, as always, if you know how the things works internally, you will always find the right answer.
I always think that instead of remembering 10 specific cases (which it might not be hard at all for many people, but me for example, I have a bad memory) its much easier to remember 1 thing only, how it works.
this is a case for the virtual specifier.
the thumb rule is this (this is from MSDN):
When calling a function using pointers or references, the following rules apply:
1.A call to a virtual function is resolved according to the underlying type of object for which it is called.
2.A call to a nonvirtual function is resolved according to the type of the pointer or reference.
but this rule might not be always simple to apply.
What is really good is to know why the things are happing like described in those 2 rules. Let's take each of them:
1. when you apply the virtual specifier to a function, at compile time, the compiler will do some things:
it will add an invisible vtable member ( a pointer to a table) to your class;
the vtable is initialized in constructor right after the base classes constructors are called (look here for construction order: this is a reason why when calling a virtual function in the constructor of a base class when creating an object of derived class, the virtual function is not called because the vtable is not initialized yet!)
also, its good to remember that there is only one vtable member in the derived class no matter how the big class hierarchy is and how many virtual functions are;
the term 'underlaying type' is used because you can always store inside a base object an a derived class object.
B b;
A *pa = &pb;
when you call pa->f() ( and f() is virtual declared in class A ) the vtable of the object points to the B::f() version, because the 'underlaying' type is B (i found the name confusing)
when we have an object A* we dont know if the object is an A or a B.
void function(A *pa)
2. if its not virtual then the function called is the one for the object class (the function is not in the vtable)
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Final classes
1. A class that is not derived from a class nor is intended to have any class derived from it is an example of what type of class?
A. A concrete class
B. An abstract class
C. A base class
D. A virtual class
E. A final class
A final class is a class from which you dont derive (if you try to, the objects of the derived classes cant be constructed since the compiler will complain about this).
So how can you design such class ?
In C++ there is no keyword (final) to declare a class as non-inheritable as in Java.
But then C++ has its own features which you may exploit to get the same behaviour.
Basically it uses concepts of private constructor and friend class.
For example, lets try to create a class called CFinal.
class CFinal
// member data ...
We want to be able to use this class, of course, to create objects from it but what we dont want is to be able to use this class as a base for other classes. Or, in other words, if anybody creates a class derived from CFinal, it will not be able to create objects of this derived class.
The first idea will be to make the CFinal constructors private but doing so will prevent us to create objects of it. We need to way to be able to make construction unavailable for the derived classes only.
The solution:
We use the fact that in C++, if a class has a friend class, the friendship is not inheritate in any way; if the friend class has a derived class, this does not mean that the derived class is a friend also for the initial class
class Temp
private: ~Temp() { };
friend class CFinal;
class CFinal : virtual public Temp
{. . .};
Again, if we have this:
class CDerived : CFinal
{. . .}
CDerived is NOT a friend of the Temp class.
So that now if some one tries to inherit from this CFinal class, compilation gives error as this class cannot call constructor of its super class i.e.
Yet, you can create CFinal objects, because as a friend of the Temp class, your class has access to the private constructor.
The whole idea i got it from this article:
"Working with the Final Class in C++" by Zeeshan Amjad
Friday, February 03, 2006
subtle difference when using const_cast
ive just read this article: which shows the subtle difference (when is good \ bad) when using the const_cast on objects.
thinking from the point of view of what a variable may contain (its value) and where this value is stored in computer memory, you can think of 2 kinds of const'ness:
a 'true const':
const int cn = 5; // true const variable; it might be stored in computer ROM
and a 'contractual const':
int num = 0;
const int * pci = # // *pci is a contractual const int
if you try to remove the constness of a variable in order to modify its value, its good to know wheater that variable is a 'true' or 'contractual' const.
modifing a 'true' const variable is undefined (and not desirable to do).
the idea is that a pointer to a const variable is still (just) a pointer containig the address of a variable.
that variable, if you know that its not a true const (like const int num = 0) you can modify it safely.
in other words, 'const' can be more than just 'don't change the value', more then a specifier. it might have implications of how the variable is kept in memory.
name hidding again
for example:
struct A
int x;
struct B: A
int x;
struct C: A, B
void f() { x = 0; }
int main()
C i;
it says that "The assignment x = 0 in function C::f() is not ambiguous because the declaration B::x has hidden A::x."
when i see this I was confused, what the hell; indeed, B::x hiddens A::x but since i is of C type, both B::x and A::x are available to C.
i just put this code in Visual C++ 2003 and it gives (of course) the compile error:
e:\Projects\test2\test2\test2.cpp(15): error C2385: ambiguous access of 'x' in 'C' could be the 'x' in base 'A::x' or the 'x' in base 'B::x'
now, i bet that there are many things like this, compiler specific (the C++ ref from the link is for the IBM compiler);
and this makes life harder.
on the next interview, you can be very smart and write that this code works OK; if you get a mocking smile, you can ask politely "do you have an IBM C compiler ?"
the best C++ reference
Effective & More Effective C++
C++ Programming Language
C++ Faqs
Effective STL
and... MSDN C++ reference
MSDN yes, its really good; it has many C++ little language stuff you forget over time; although its short in description, if you have the time and patience, its good to read from time to time to refresh the concepts and things, but read it from start to end; it has many gritty things I (you) at time pass by, forget;
also, it has many things you find in C++ books (but explained more better in books).
btw, many of the stuff from my blog can be found in the MSDN C++ reference :D so why am I still writing here ? because its a good practice to actually explain in writing for myself different stuff
class A
int f() { printf("\nA::f()"); return 1; }
class B : virtual public A
void f() { printf("\nB::f()"); } // hides the int A::f()
class C : virtual public A
class D : public B, public C
the hierarchy is this:
and D has only one copy of A in memory (beacuse B and C inherits virtual from A)
D d;
f() is not ambigous because void B::f() hides int A::f().
d.f() will get B:f() called because D derives from B which hides the A::f().
Note that this is not ambigous beacause the A is virtual inherited in B and C and this makes that the d object to contain only one instance of A within it. if, for example, B or C will not have virtual inherited from A (either one of them or both) this will mean that d will have 2 A objects within it.
now, consider this case:
C *d = new D;
d->f() will get A:f() called.
Why is that stays in the mechanism of calling a function.
in the first case, when d is a D object:
D d;
when you call
the function which is get called is determined at compile time; the function called is the D::f()
in the 2nd case, when
C *d = new D;
when you call
the object d is really a D object but since the function called is not virtual (not taken from the vtable) the function called is from C object scope, which is A::f(), beacuse C inherits A::f().
hence, the rule is this:
if the function called is not virtual, the function called is the one from the type of the object type.
public inheritance broken
class A
void f();
void f(int x);
class B : public A
void f(); // hides all A::f() overloads
you have an object
B b;
and you want to call the f(int x)
normally you would think that since B inherits A, it inherits all the A functions, which is true, but not when for overloading.
the name f() declared in B class will override any base names. this includes the following case:
class A1
void f();
class B1 : public A1
int f; // hides all A1 'f'names
if you try to write the call:
you will get a compile error
as within a class, the names in a inheritance tree shoule be unique;
if you want to preserve the is-a relationship(a derived class should access all public inherited base class functionality) then you need to declare in the derived class the base functions by using 'using' declarator:
class B : public A
void f(); // hides all A 'f'names
using A::f; //OK, now we have the A::f(int x) within the B
Note that 'using' works for the seeing in derived classes the overloads, it will not work for the 2nd case, when the base class is hiding a base class function by a member variale (because its not possible to have within the same class B 2 names f() and int f)
this is a problem described in Effective C++. Item 33. 'Avoid hiding inherited names'
Thursday, February 02, 2006
Data alignment
Consider this:
struct Broadcast
char timezone; // 1 byte data
int frequency; // 4 byte data
short timeofday; // 2 byte data
applying the sizeof operator on the Broadcast (sizeof can be applied to a class) the result is 12 on a 32 bit operating system.
this is because compilers usually round up a data structure's size to make it divisible by 2, 4, or 8—depending on the hardware's memory alignment requirements.
Most CPUs require that objects and variables reside at particular offsets in the system's memory. For example, 32-bit processors require a 4-byte integer to reside at a memory address that is evenly divisible by 4. This requirement is called "memory alignment". Thus, a 4-byte int can be located at memory address 0x2000 or 0x2004, but not at 0x2001. On most Unix systems, an attempt to use misaligned data results in a bus error, which terminates the program altogether. On Intel processors, the use of misaligned data is supported but at a substantial performance penalty.
Secondly, compilers insert padding bytes between data members to ensure that each member's address is properly aligned. The problem is that when members are declared in a random order, the compiler may need to insert more padding bytes between them, thereby inflating the data structure's size.
The padding which compiler is doing is because each data type must be in memory at memory addressed which are divisible by their own size.
for example:
an int object should be always at a 4 divisible memory address
a short object should be always at a 2 divisible memory address
an double object should be always at a 8 divisible memory address
Hence Broadcast after compilation will be like this:
struct Broadcast
char timezone; // 4 byte data (padded with 3 bytes)
int frequency; // 4 byte data
short timeofday; // 4 byte data (padded with 2 bytes)
without padding the data looks like this:
0 1 5 7 8 12
1 1111 11 1 1111 1 1
this is taken from this:
also look here
you can think that even if you try to arrange in this optimized way the structures, the processor might take some time for example for this:
char timezone; // 1 byte data //gets 1 padding byte
short timeofday; // 2 byte data -> these 2 will get into 4 byte memory location
int frequency; // 4 byte data
which is properly aligned (each member is on a good memory boundary)
you can think that, on a 32 bit processor for example, reading the short variable within the 4 byte address( the 4 byte memory location will contain the char, a padding byte and the 2 bytes from short ) might take some time, but it doesnt.
the main point of this alignament is this: the goal is to have a structure where member data does not get bad aligned:
when a variable value needs to be read, the CPU should not be forced (due to bad alignament) to read the value from 2 memory locations (on the 32 bit CPU).
for example, if an int (4bytes) variable is not on a memory address divisible by 4, this means that the variable 'stay' in 2 memory addresses.
the CPU in this case needs to fetch 2 memory addresses, extract the parts from each other and concatenate them in order to get the value.
the compiler by default (if you dont change the default #pragma) will try to aligned the structs on a 2, 4 or 8 respectively boundary in order to avoid the CPU to get into the above described overhead; what it does not do is to arrange for you the structs members such that to take less size (which you should do).
Monday, January 16, 2006
C++ articles
C++: Under the Hood
Jan Gray
March 1994
it talks about the C++ object model and layout in memory; good introduction;
here is a nice article about how vtables workits good coz it goes into asm language and explains whats really goin on
if u find any similar article on this subject, pls reply here.
virtual functions explained:
a good summerize of the classes size.
when applying the sizeof operator on an object you need to have in mind:
1Size of all non-static data members
2Order of data members
3Byte alignment or byte padding
4Size of its immediate base class
5The existence of virtual function(s) (Dynamic polymorphism using virtual functions).
6Compiler being used
7Mode of inheritance (virtual inheritance)
article #5
very good C++ guidelines; yet, im not sure if all of them are applicable
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
how vtable work
its good coz it goes into asm language and explains whats really goin on
if u find any similar article on this subject, pls reply here.